My SewerScan Certification means I'm qualified to get "eyes on" this crucial (and otherwise impossible to visually inspect) component of your home. Sewer system repairs or replacement are not only messy, but very expensive!
As the sewer pipe, or "lateral" exits your home and travels underground to either a septic tank or public sewer system, it is susceptible to many defects...each of which can lead to sewage leaks or backups into your home!
Root intrusion
Collapsed sections of pipe
Separated joints
Low, sagging areas or "bellies"
Mineral/rust build up or "scaling"
The lighted, high-definition camera (pan and tilt capable) means no potential issues go unseen! Your report will include a complete video of the entire lateral (unless a blockage is found that cannot be passed). Want to learn more about sewer systems and this important inspection service? Read my blog post here.